An illustrated album with a single poem? Lyric poetry “lyrike” (poiesis) is verse poetry that constitutes the third literary genre next to epic poetry and drama.
Lyric works are also called poems.
The distinction between the literary genres of lyric poetry, epic poetry and dramatic poetry dates back to Greek antiquity, in particular to Aristotle’s Poetics. The author of poetic texts formulates the feelings and thoughts of a lyrical subject, which may or may not correspond to the author’s perspective. Lyric texts are usually rich in rhetorical stylistic devices (tropes and figures), sometimes rhymed and occasionally associated with music, which indicates their origins: in ancient Greece, the recitation of poems was usually accompanied by a lyre.
We can also think of this definition when we illustrate a poem or represent feelings and thoughts; the narrative gives way to the colours, imagination and stroke of our pencil or brush that accompany the poem.
Illustration by Linda Wolfsgruber